The Council consists of 15 members, including the chairman.
When appointing members, a broad composition is found to be important based on these considerations:
- Members have knowledge of practical and/or technical conditions in connection with the use of technologies in the public administration and/or the business sector. This should be the most important consideration when appointing members to ensure that the Council may provide practical and specific help to decision-makers in companies and the public sector.
- Members appointed by ministers have research experience or interest in the correlation between law, philosophy, ethics and/or technology. This may include laymen, including, for example, members representing civil society.
The Council consists of:
- A chairman appointed by the Minister of Justice in consultation with the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and the Minister for Innovation
- 3 members appointed by the Minister of Justice
- 3 members appointed by the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs
- 3 members appointed by the Minister for Innovation
- 3 members recommended by the Judicial Committee and appointed by the Minister of Justice after consultation with the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and the Minister for Innovation
- 2 members appointed by the Minister for Finance, the Minister of Justice and the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.
The Council members are appointed for a period of four years with the possibility of one extension.
The Council may, as required, establish special advisory groups or task forces.
The Council is independent of the government.
The Council will co-operate with relevant ministries.